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Planning a new desperation MMORPG / hurt & heal - ideas please

Started by the_variant, July 07, 2009, 04:09:32 AM

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OK, here's the plan.  I'm planning to teach myself some new technologies over the next few months, and one of the ways I might do this is by building an on-line RPG.

(A while ago I wrote a simple full-bladder simulator, but as a single-user app it's quite boring, so I want to expand it into a multi-player RPG).

Currently the plan is for an entirely text-based game, with perhaps a few bits of simple artwork thrown-in for buttons and backgrounds.  For any more complex artwork I WILL require graphic artists or 3D modellers to volunteer for the project, as I have no graphical or 3D modelling skills.  This is only a very rough plan right now, but I'm open to suggestions and ideas on what would make this a great fun interactive game for us full-bladder fans.  Here's the ideas I've had at the moment:

It will be a turn-based game.  This means it can run for a length of time, like the RPs on the forum.

The game is a wetting contest - the goal is to make your character hold on for the longest while trying to make other characters wet themselves.

Users can create their characters and give basic bio data.  They can also assign "points" to their character - e.g. bladder capacity, strength at various "attacks" (used to make others wet themselves).  There will also be parameters that users can specify for their characters - prone to leaks or surges (without complete wetting) when desperate, male/female/transgender, straight/gay/bi, open/shy, etc...  (open to ideas here).  Possibly setting some parameters that might make a charater "weaker" may allow additional points that can be assigned to the character's strengths, to even things up.  Various other options may be possible (please make suggestions) so that each character acts uniquely among the others when the game starts.

A user can choose to start a new "game" - give a basic title and scenario, and set the basic game parameters (such as max entrants, max time between turns, whether a leak or surge indicates failure, what gender may enter, and whether "wildcards" are allowed)

Other users can then join this game.  The "turn rota" will probably be decided by the order in which people apply.  A "seating arrangement" can also be determined randomly - all characters will be seated around a table.  Once the application period has expired, the game begins.  Each character automatically drinks a large glass of fluid.

At the start of each turn, all user statuses are listed, for example: "Jane is wiggling her bottom." may indicate mild desperation, while "Sweat glistens on Asuka's forehead and her face is twisted in determination" would indicate extreme desperation.  "A small wet patch appears in Leeann's jeans." would indicate a leak and may require a forfeit (depending on game settings).

During each turn, the user has various options and various movement points.  The option will either to try to prevent their character from wetting, or to make another character wet.  Each option requires certain MP (and possibly other factors too).  For example, a character may cross her legs, or hold herself.  This will extend her holding period but requires MP that could be used to tickle another character.  MP can also be used to push away a character who is tickling that user's character.  When an option that involves another character is selected, the user is presented with a list of characters to choose from - it requires less MP to affect a character close by in the seating arrangement than it does one who is sat far away.

Every option is run through a dice - that is, the success of the tickle depends on the tickler's tickle strength, the ticklee's tickle resistance, and a random factor.

Every time a user makes a move, a log of the character's actions is posted (for example, "Jane crosses her legs and tickles Asuka.")

After every user completes a turn, the bladder capacities and desperation levels of all characters are added up and any characters who have exceeded their capacity will wet themselves and be forfiet from the game.

Each user can only see the exact numerical status of their own character - i.e. bladder capacity, current bladder level, desperation level, MP etc. - the status and strength of other characters must be determined by the text status shown at the start of each turn.  Users may guage their strategy based on character text status as the game progresses.

Once every user has made their turn, the characters automatically drink another glass of water and the round begins again.


Wildcards - if allowed, each game may have one "wildcard" character.  This is assigned randomly when a user joins the game with a message like "you have been chosen as the wildcard".  Wildcards may make moves out of turn (only one move between each other character move) and do actions without other users noticing.  For example, a wildcard may drop a diuretic into someone's glass.  When that user next takes their turn, a message will say "a diuretic was secretly slipped into your character's glass - your character's bladder capacity is reduced."  Wildcards also don't require additional MP to affect characters who are farther away.  Wildcards may have less defence.  This adds a bit of strategy as users may need to determine who is the wildcard and gang up on them (I will have to think carefully about how this is done, so it will be possible to work out who is the wildcard after they have made enough moves).

Quit option - if a user no longer wishes to participate, they can press the Quit button - their character will say something like "I can't hold it any more!" and run to the toilet.

Maximum time between turns - this prevents the game getting stuck if one user doesn't make their turn - for example, if the time runs out before the user plays their turn, the user's character quits the contest (same as pressing the Quit button)

Allegiances - characters may use the "smile at" or "wink at" move to indicate friendship with other characters.  (I'm not quite sure how/if this will work yet but some moves may require a friend to participate - such as two characters ganging up to tickle another).  Also if two characters are allied, they may "notice" if a wildcard makes a move - e.g. when a user next takes their turn, a whisper (private to that user) from their ally says "Did you just see Asuka put that diuretic in Jane's drink?"  Winks or smiles may not always be successful and may depend on the character's parameters.  And you may accidentally ally with the wildcard - that could be bad news!!  Note that friendships are only known to the characters who are friends - other users can't see who is a friend (although they will see "Kitty winks at Aeris.  Aeris smiles back." and will have to determine and remember if a friendship has been forged).

Sex play - similar to allegiances, if two characters are compatible (i.e. of the appropriate gender and sexual orientation) they may become sexually involved.  If this happens, new options will be available to those characters such as hugging and kissing.  This may temporarily reduce desperation in both characters.  However as the sexual bond increases and sex play becomes available, things like fingering a character under the table may cause her to wet if she has an orgasm - therefore it's a double-edged sword and a game of bluff.  Other characters (depending on bio) may either get turned on or disgusted by watching this happen, which may affect their desperation.

Changing seats - characters may use MP to change seats in order to be closer to an ally / sex partner or further away from a particularly aggressive tickler.

Levelling up - characters may gain EP by repeatedly using certain moves.  This may result in a level-up in those moves.  Also at certain EP intervals the character may level up globally, increasing bladder capacity and all strengths.


Cross legs - decreases desperation

Hands between legs - decreases desperation; stops leaks or surges

Tickle - increases desperation in recipient (must be nearby).  Tickling continues until the user aborts the tickle (on their next turn), the recipient successfully pushes the tickler away (during their turn), or the recipient wets themselves

Press bladder - decrease bladder capacity in recipient (must be nearby).  Like tickling, this continues until the user aborts, the recipient pushes away, or the recipient wets.

Change seats - moves to a new location

Stand / Sit - temporarily decreases desperation (must be done repeatedly each turn in order to work)

Pour water from a full glass to an empty one - increases desperation in all characters (including the user's character) - good if your character is strong against splashing sounds.

Boo! - shout into a character's ear - causes a short-term spike in desperation in recipient (must be nearby)

Smile at - increases friendship / sexual bond

Wink at - increases friendship / sexual bond

Hug - increases sexual bond (must be sat next to; sex partner only)

Kiss - increases sexual bond (must be sat next to; sex partner only)

Fondle - increases sexual bond; slightly increases orgasm level (must be sat next to; sex partner only)

Finger/Handjob - increases orgasm level - orgasm may trigger wetting in recipient regardless of desperation level; may trigger lust or disgust in other characters (must be sat next to; sex partner only)

Push away - pushes away a character who is tickling, pressing, fondling or fingering/handjobbing.  If your character is close to orgasm they may refuse to push a sex partner away and choose to orgasm and risk wetting instead

Cheat (pee into glass) - decreases desperation; (sitting only, 50/50 chance your character will be caught and forced to quit from the game.  Could be useful if your character is on the verge of wetting anyway and you can allow her to temporarily relieve herself just a little bit to try to last longer).  At the end of the game, any pee-filled glasses will be published so all users can see who cheated.

Drop diuretic into drink - increases desperation in recipient (wildcard only)

Expose Cheater - look under the table to see if there are any pee-filled glasses and expose any characters who have cheated (wildcard only)

I'm interested in any other attacks that people might think are relevant, as well as strengths or defence moves that might be used to prevent such attacks from working.

I'm very interested in other options for the wildcard, too.

Also some heals would be interesting - any way a character can decrease her desperation or even let a little bit out without anyone else noticing would be good - ideas?


My current idea is to have the bulk of the messages displayed on a simple text log.  Most messages are public, some are private.  Guests can watch the game and will see all public messages but no private ones.

A possible example of recent message, as seen by the character "Asuka" during her turn.  Green messages are public, red ones are private only to Asuka:


Kitty is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her bum wiggles side to side on the seat.
Aeris is sitting.  Her face is sweaty and her legs are shaking.
Jane is standing with her legs crossed.  Her hips wiggle side to side.
Asuka is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty and her legs are shaking.

The water in your stomach slowly flows into your bladder.  Desparation +50

Max. Bladder capacity = 9756
Current bladder level = 9134
Water in stomach = 450
Desperation Level = 9

Aeris's turn:
Aeris puts her hand between her legs.

Kitty is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her bum wiggles side to side on the seat.
Aeris is sitting with her hands between her legs.  Her face is sweaty and her legs are shaking.
Jane is standing with her legs crossed.  Her hips wiggle side to side.
Asuka is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty and her legs are shaking.

The water in your stomach slowly flows into your bladder.  Desparation +50

Max. Bladder capacity = 9756
Current bladder level = 9184
Water in stomach = 400
Desperation Level = 9

Jane's turn:
Jane turns to Aeris and tickles her.

Kitty is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty and her bum wiggles side to side on the seat.
Aeris is sitting with her hands between her legs.  Her face is sweaty and her legs are shaking, and tears are forming in her eyes.
Jane is standing with her legs crossed.  Her hips wiggle side to side.  She is tickling Aeris.
Asuka is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty, her legs are shaking.

The water in your stomach slowly flows into your bladder.  Desparation +50

Max. Bladder capacity = 9756
Current bladder level = 9234
Water in stomach = 350
Desperation Level = 10 WARNING!

Kitty's turn:
Kitty presses on Asuka's bladder.

Aeris gives a cry of frustration as pee begins to splash on the floor at her feet.

Kitty is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty and her bum wiggles side to side on the seat.  She is pressing on Asuka's bladder.
Aeris is sitting with her hands over her eyes, crying in shame.
Jane is standing with her legs crossed.  Her hips wiggle side to side.
Asuka is sitting with her legs crossed.  Her face is sweaty, her legs are shaking, and tears are forming in her eyes.

The water in your stomach slowly flows into your bladder.  Desparation +50
The splashing sound of Aeris's pee hitting the floor torments your over-filled bladder.  Desperation +45
Kitty is pressing on your bladder - bladder capacity -380

Max. Bladder capacity = 9376
Current bladder level = 9329
Water in stomach = 300
Desperation Level = 10 WARNING!

Asuka's turn:

As you can see, after Asuka's turn, her bladder level will increase another 50 points and she will have exceeded her capacity and wet herself.  At this point, the only option is to choose "push Kitty away" and hope that the move is successful - otherwise Asuka will be leaving the game with wet panties and her head hung in shame.

I also plan to have a minor graphical interface to show the current seating arrangements and to allow ease of use in moving characters around the table.

I am very excited to hear about any new ideas people might have.


If people are interested in doing some simple drawings for me, I wouldn't mind incorporating some graphics into the app.  It would be nice to allow users to choose from a range of different images for their characters.  However, if we do this, I may require one image for each character in each stage of desperation, both sitting and standing, and also wetting; once we get into images of ticking or pressing on bladders, the whole thing starts to get way out of scope.  It's technically possible, but depends on how much time people want to spend scribbling away on pads or tablets, or how much time people want to spend building and animating 3D models in Blender (I can incorporate textured 3D models into my app but I can't design them myself).

NOTE: a project of this scope may take some time to complete and suffers the potential to fail catastrophically.  Please don't expect results overnight.  Once complete, I will require someone with a web server to host it.


Cool!  Would like to hear from others if they think it's an interesting concept and something they'd enjoy playing.

I'm doing some basic design and preliminary work on the underlying object now, but I guess things will have to evolve at their own pace before I get a working base that I can then convert into an on-line app.

I'm also going to have to learn some PHP to get the on-line user interface working and presumably get back into MySQL tables so I can store character details and game data...


Amazing idea, incredibly well thought-out. Unfortunately, I'm neither an artist nor a programmer, so I can't help. But I do wish you the best of luck and I'm certain that if you make this, I'll play it frequently.

An idea for the character profile... Will openness/shyness have any effect on their stats? I can imagine that shy girls are better at hiding their true desperation level, so will appear to be less desperate than they really are. But at the same time, they could be barred from the more extreme moves until they're more desperate than normal, because they'd be too shy to hold themselves and do a pee-dance. On the flip side, very open characters will be very easy to read, as they'll exaggerate their desperation. But the advantage to this would be that they can use extreme moves sooner than average, allowing them to keep their desperation lower.


Quote from: AliasnameTO on July 07, 2009, 05:49:03 PM
An idea for the character profile... Will openness/shyness have any effect on their stats? I can imagine that shy girls are better at hiding their true desperation level, so will appear to be less desperate than they really are. But at the same time, they could be barred from the more extreme moves until they're more desperate than normal, because they'd be too shy to hold themselves and do a pee-dance. On the flip side, very open characters will be very easy to read, as they'll exaggerate their desperation. But the advantage to this would be that they can use extreme moves sooner than average, allowing them to keep their desperation lower.
Good idea!  In fact I was thinking this morning about how shyness might affect character stats.  I'm currently planning the design of the "character" object to get all these ideas together and I'm still thinking about how to put it all together.

The initial program will be written in VB.Net, because I have lots of experience with it, but I need to figure out how it can all be transposed onto a web-based multi-user platform... 


Looks like a good idea so far. Besides having a list of actions that can be used every turn have you thought about character traits yet? Each player could get one at random at the start of the game and it would be in effect constantly. I have a few examples of traits that might be fun here. :)

Sharp Eyes - Will always notice cheating and placing diuretics in drinks.

Sneaky - Only 10% chance to get caught cheating, 50% when players have sharp eyes.

Ticklish - Bladder capacity is reduced by 2x to 3x by tickling.

Nerves of Steel - Can't be surprised by players yelling "BOO"

Sensitive - Orgasm level is increased by 2x or 3x by fondling and fingering, goes up slightly with kissing and hugging.

Bluff - Player looks calm, even when about to wet.

Crybaby - Player acts more desperate than she really is.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


I can model some stuff for  3d, but i think i can get people from downloads.

Only problem is animating.


Interesting ideas there Serika - something that I might be able to build in to the application at a later date, so I don't have to worry too much right now about how I'm going to do it.

witty- thanks for the heads-up on 3d, moving to an animated package is probably a long way in the future (if ever) but will be something I'll bear in mind.

Right now I'm thinking of all the available "actions" - currently I've defined three types of action that can be performed each turn - attack, defense, and endurance (friendship and sex moves will be implemented later once I've got the bones of the app working).

What I really need are some suggestions of possible moves so I can work out how they're all going to link together.  If you have any moves that will cause another character to be more desperate, interrupt a move being performed, or help a character hold on a little longer, please suggest them!  Remember also that the availability of some moves depends on the character's current status (i.e. character cannot tickle, push away, and hold self at the same time).

I'm considering "level up" moves too - i.e. after you've levelled up from "tickle" you can perform "bladder push" - which is basically the same but with higher strength, and when levelled up from "bladder push" you can perform "bladder squeeze" - which is even stronger.

Please list any actions that you have in mind and I'll see if they can be implemented.  The action structure is the most complicated part of the project so far and I need as many examples as I can get to make sure the game is playable and expandable.  I'm designing it so that extra actions can be added at a later date, if required.


This is one of the most well thought out ideas for a FD game I've seen. I have a few questions tho.

You have three action types; attack, defense and endurance. Attack's purpose is obvious. What's the difference between defense and endurance? Maybe I missed it in one of your earliet posts? Seems possilbe that defense lowers damage while endurance increases your HP?

Is this going to be a standard one action per turn type of game? Seems like, if it is, playes are only going to choose the most damaging move every turn which means all the effort you're putting into coming up with actions now might go to waste since only the most powerful will be used. That's probably getting ahead of where you want to be now, but it's nice to take balancing issues like that into mind when you're designing.

Now, some suggestions.
Tell joke:
-Description: Tell an amusing story or joke in an attempt to make the others at the table laugh.
-Info: Low damage AOE attack. Effects everyone at the table but the user.
-Advancement: The more you use this attack, the better you become at delivering the punchline. Damage increases with use.

Tell scary story:
-Description: Tell the others a scary story and try to scare the piss out of them. At the climax of the story, grab the nearest person and yell "BOO!"
-Info: Very low AOE damage to everyone at the table but the user.
-Special 1: For each player at the table there is a chance this attack will deal moderate damage.
-Special 2: When you use this attack, choose one of the people next to you. There is a chance this person will take high damage.
-Advancement: The more you use this attack the better you become at delivering the scare. Chance of Specials 1 & 2 occuring increases with use.

Eh, gotta get back to work. More to come later if you're interested.

BTW, if you're using VB.NET and want to develop a web-based application it might be worth your time to look into ASP.NET. I've never developed web apps, myself, but it may give you what you want.

If you own a PS3, download the demo. Give this game a shot. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.


Thanks for your thoughts, Poowrite!

Quote from: Poowrite on July 14, 2009, 05:19:15 PMYou have three action types; attack, defense and endurance. Attack's purpose is obvious. What's the difference between defense and endurance? Maybe I missed it in one of your earliet posts? Seems possilbe that defense lowers damage while endurance increases your HP?
Defence moves are to block characters who try to "attack" your character.  Endurance try to prevent your character from wetting by temporarily increasing bladder capacity.

To use a Defence move, you must leave enough MP over at the end of each turn to be able to use it.  If another character attempts to attack your character, the defence move will automatically kick in provided you have enough MP left - if the defence succeeds, the attacker fails.  If the defence fails, the attack is effective.  For example, if a character tries to tickle your character or push on his/her belly, your character will automaticall perform Push Away.  Success is dealt on a weighted dice basis.  If your character's Push Away move defeats the Tickle move, your character loses the revelant MP but gains EP on Push Away, and no affect is had on your character's desperation.  If Push Away fails, then your character's MP is reduced, you earn no EP, and the bladder capacity of your character is temporarily reduced until the attacker's next turn, when the tickle ends.

Endurance Moves are things like Cross Legs or Hold Crotch.  This has the effect of increasing bladder capacity until such time as you cancel the move.  Note that your character can't perform any moves that require hands (like tickle, belly push or push away) while they are performing endurance moves that require the use of hands (like Hold Crotch).

Quote from: Poowrite on July 14, 2009, 05:19:15 PMIs this going to be a standard one action per turn type of game? Seems like, if it is, playes are only going to choose the most damaging move every turn which means all the effort you're putting into coming up with actions now might go to waste since only the most powerful will be used. That's probably getting ahead of where you want to be now, but it's nice to take balancing issues like that into mind when you're designing.
Each turn, a character gets their MP restored.  Each action requires certain MP.  Some actions require more MP than others, especially powerful level-up actions.  It's possible that a character will have higher MP as the character levels up.  This means that from the outset, players will be able to perform more than one action each turn.  At the beginning of the game these will likely be things like friendship actions (if I get around to implementing them) rather than attacks, as it takes time before they become desperate enough for the serious attacks to actually work.  Alternatively players can practice attacks in order to increase their levels so they can pounce on characters as soon as they start to show extreme desperation and put them out of the game.

There's going to be a variety of attacks - some work on all characters, some only on individuals.  Some will have a greater effect on some characters than others - for example, a bladder push by a weak girl to a strong one won't have much effect, but a strong girl pushing on a weak girl's bladder will have a big effect.  Things like physical strength, tickle resistance (the opposite of ticklishness), nerve strength, bladder capacity etc. are all customisable parameters so users can build a character specific to their strategy.

I like your move suggestions and might try to implement them if I can.

I'm developing the base application in VB.Net with the intention of compiling it as a self-contained app (albeit one that uses a seperate MySQL database), and will then be buliding a front-end in ASP.Net or PHP in order to display it to users and allow people to log in, create their characters, join games, make moves, keep their panties dry and - most importantly - make everyone else's wet!


i LOVE the idea! I´d love to play something like this, and would be willing what little i could do to help with ideas and stuff...:)