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Have you ever had an "emergency" while driving?

Started by Mighty Oracle, February 10, 2011, 01:52:34 PM

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Mighty Oracle

Specifically, I'm referring to number one. In case you're especially dull, I mean piss.

While driving, particularly on a long trip, have you ever found yourself desperate to relieve yourself in that regard? Here's my most recent one:

I went to Mississippi a few months ago. The purpose of the trip was to visit grandfather's grave, but we decided to do a couple pit stops along the way, one of which was taking a detour to a secondary graveyard, where some of my other grandparents are buried.

The portion of the state where I was is practically nothing but endless roads and hills surrounded by trees on both sides. Naturally, it takes a good while to reach your itinerary, especially when the location in question is relatively isolated.

As I recall, it took about an hour or so to get from the hotel to the graveyard. I had a fountain drink I had bought earlier in the day, which I drank along the way. Add 2 and 2 together, and you have a recipe for an urgent pissing session.

I'll gleefully admit that this entire ordeal was largely my fault, but I was really tempted to piss in one of the empty cups we had lying around. I would have, too, had we not arrived in time. They had a porta-potty there right next to the graveyard, so I was lucky to be able to relieve myself.

Tell your story(s) here! This could be fun.

Feel free to move this if you like, but I didn't put in the sexual forums because I did not consider this topic to be a fetish one.