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Please Read this topic! >.>

Started by FallenStar, October 05, 2007, 04:32:25 PM

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Okay, so like... I need help here.   >.>

First, I require someone to assist in translating some dialogue I am working on.

I need help translating into French, Italian, some Spanish, and Russian.

Now, Serika can help with the Japanese and Lisk has promised to help with the Russian, so for right now, I require assistance with French, Italian, and Spanish...

Second:  If anyone knows what the designs on the Olympic swimwear from the countries of:  France, Italy, Mexico, and Russia (or even better, has pics of those swimsuits), I would like those descriptions and pics posted here.  Nothing overly pornographic is needed... Just the swimsuit (and the girl wearing it, prolly.. >.> )

Thanks for any and all assistance!   Free modship for a random board to anyone who can help.

FallenStar - Site Admin


I have a friend who might be able to help with some Spanish. Tell me what needs to be translated, and I'll ask him if he knows it.


I still require help with French and Italian, plz.   >.>



france's women's syncronized swim team


Team Russia

Team Mexico

Team china

or if you don't like any of those you could use this one

"The fastest way to flush a rat out of its nest is with a little bit of carpet bombing." - Char "The Red Comet" Aznable


My wife, having been raised and bilingually-schooled in Ottawa, Ontario, is quite fluent in French. Do you still need a hand with translating something? If so, how much text is there? As long as it isn't an entire book or something, I'm sure she'd be happy to help. She's also very WS friendly, so it doesn't really matter if its dirty or not. :P Just let me know and I'll be happy to have her take a look at whatever you've got.


"The fastest way to flush a rat out of its nest is with a little bit of carpet bombing." - Char "The Red Comet" Aznable


I'm french, what do you need more? :lol:

good speaking in english too, waiting for an answer of you FallenStar ;) (positive or negative, I won't cry if you don't take me, but if i can translate, that will make me happy).


I have an idea...  There is an RP in the RP section that deals with Olympic swimmer counter spies...

There are:

A french girl
A Brazilian girl
A Russian girl
A German girl
two Japanese girls

If anyone wants to translate their speech into their respective languages, you will be most well rewarded.   :gunsmilie:



Ok, I made Serika's speeches, say if it is ok :roll:


"Mon dieu... Focus! Focus!"

"Noudediou!(Nom de Dieu!)...Reste concentrée! Reste concentrée!"
"Nom de Dieu...Concentre-toi! concentre-toi!"

just having a little fun with a frensh trip, I changed the sentence "nom de Dieu" in "noudediou" which means "Holy God!" (variation of Holy Moses).
Also, there is only frensh people who comes from the south of France who use this expression, it had become rare, so I will change in "nom de Dieu" if Serika doesn't want to, because she is her character.

but "Mon Dieu" can stay, it is good :lol:
also if she focuses on something, she is more to say "Come on! Focus!" and translated in "Allez! Concentre-toi!" but no, it is ok, I don't Serika to get angry! :death:


"Eyaa! Why is it cold?!"

"Phouah! ca caille!"
"Whouah! Pourquoi c'est si froid?!"

the second sentence is a more polite formulation, the first sentence shows a common language, falling into cold water, I'm sure the miss wouldn't be very distinguished. :roll:


"I... can't believe this! H-how?!"

"Je n'arrive pas à y croire! Co-Comment?!"
"J'y crois pas! Mais Comment...?!"

The two sentences are ok, in the second, she just seems more surprised.


"Haa... ha... geez, you guys..."

"Pff...pff...j'en reviens pas...ces types (meufs)..."
"pff...pff...mince...quels types (meufs)..."

it was more hard for me here, there is no really translation for "you guyz", in the frensh language, "guys" take two different signification for male and female, but we only use the word "mec" for the men, for the women, it is "meuf" (variation of femme=woman), it is more common to use the word "type" in this situation, so the two words are goods.
but if you really want something perfect in this situation it is "mince, les gars", but I want to stay in the "losing" mood.


"Uh... the guest's room?"

" chambre des invités?"

nothing to say here, they wake up in some room and don't know their location, this one fits well.


"Is everyone okay?"

"Est-ce que tout le monde va bien?"
"Est-ce que ca va, tout le monde?"
"Tout le monde va bien?"
"Ca va vous autres?"

the three are ok, but the third fits more, because more short, and Pamela seems to have a hangover. The last one is short and in a more common language.

ok that's all for now I think! XD
if you have suggestions, feel free to say it here or PM me.

Too bad I cannot play this RP now, it seems to be a good one.-_-

NB: if nobody wants to make the german, I can do it, just say if you agree.


Ivonne Faust is the German character.

Also, I should stay that NONE of the RPs are closed. Anyone can join them if they so wish, just so long as you discuss with me the best place to insert them.  =)


Ok FallenStar, I'll PM you later when I'll find something for this RP ;)

also, I'll make the german sentences tomorrow.


Quote from: dragoon
also if she focuses on something, she is more to say "Come on! Focus!" and translated in "Allez! Concentre-toi!" but no, it is ok, I don't Serika to get angry! :death:

Nah, it sounds good to me. This really helps because any french i would post comes from a translator, except for mon dieu which came from a swearing page.

Quotethe second sentence is a more polite formulation, the first sentence shows a common language, falling into cold water, I'm sure the miss wouldn't be very distinguished. :roll:

Heh, Pamela's language will be very unladylike whenever she gets upset. :lol:

Quoteit was more hard for me here, there is no really translation for "you guyz", in the frensh language, "guys" take two different signification for male and female, but we only use the word "mec" for the men, for the women, it is "meuf" (variation of femme=woman), it is more common to use the word "type" in this situation, so the two words are goods.
but if you really want something perfect in this situation it is "mince, les gars", but I want to stay in the "losing" mood.

It could be "you people" or "everyone" or even "OH U", she's just expressing surprise at the faster swimmers.
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


ok, thanks for replying serika ;)
no change to be done, just


for the "you guyz", more surprising to me.

and if she is upset in the cold water: "bordel! ca caille!" is perfect! :lol:

I'm gonna edit when I translate the rest.

edit: ok next:


<<"I agree...">> Adds Pamela. <<"I hope you'll understand if we don't trust you... Not after how we were brought here.">>

"J'espère que tu comprends si on te fait pas confiance...surtout vu comment on s'est fait trainer jusqu'ici."

nothing to add, I'm a genius!  :lol:


<<"What? So i'm basically a... um...">>

"Quoi? Alors comme ça je suis...euh..."



<<"Heh... hehe, i wonder if he has the wrong impression of me...">>

"Pff...haha, je me demande si ça lui fait bonne impression..."



well, here you are, I'm just a little more busy for the german, long time I didn't write in german, just looking for the better translation, will be ready soon, please wait.

and no idea for the RP already, mais je pense, je pense...(but I think, I think...XD)


ok new lyrics, but there is an important question at the end of this post.

hey, much speeches from Pamela tonight, thanks Serika! ^^

ok so:


<<"So he wants me to be a spy?">>

"alors il veut que je devienne une espione?"
"alors comme ca il veut que je fasse une espionne?"



<<"Ahh... This is never going to work if we can't understand each other!">>

"Mince... Ca ne va jamais fonctionner si on arrive pas à se comprendre les unes les autres!"
"Tain... Ca va jamais marcher si personne n'arrive à se comprendre!"



<<"Hand gestures only go so far, and become useless in bad lighting...">>

"Le language des signes a bien été utile jusqu'à maintenant, mais ca va devenir inutile dans le noir..."
"Parler avec les mains c'était cool jusque là, mais ca va devenir coton dans le noir..."

(devenir coton= it is going to become hard, impossible) love that expression ^^
literaly translated by "this is going to become cotton XD


"Hey, it works!"

"Hé, ca marche!"



"Self-cleaning? Does that mean we don't have to change if we fall on the ground, or like, sweat really bad?"

"Auto-lavage? Est-ce que ca veut dire qu'on aura pas à se changer si on tombe par terre, or si on transpire à fond?"

ok, more common language, but now she can be understood by the others.


"Oui, that's probably it."

"Ouais, c'est surement ça."
"Oui, c'est ça."

You know the "Yes" \o/
Just kidding, no worries, I'm not making fun of you.
And I deliver a variation of the "Yes", the "Ouais", more like "Yeah".


ok, that's all, see you soon, and, should I move all those speeches into another topic?
because FallenStar opened this one for another thing to translate (and he still didn't telld us what it was...).


ok, next, I'll try to be more usefull than just making trads, don't worry, just don't got ideas actually :/


A soft giggle passes the French girl's lips

ok not funny >.>


"Show us Nick's picture if you have one."

"Montre nous une photo de Nick si t'en a une."



"It's when he makes you drink lots of coffee and won't let you pee until you answer his questions. So be careful not to get caught."

"C'est quand il te fait boire plein de café et ne laisse pas aller pisser tant que t'as pas répondu à ses questions. Alors gaffe à pas te faire choper."



<<"Odd... Why wouldn't he just shoot us, does he like watching girls pee THAT much?">>

"C'est zarb...pourquoi il nous bute pas tout de suite, est-ce qu'il aime TANT regarder des femmes pisser?"



"Ugh... I think i've heard enough."

"Ouh...Je crois en avoir assez entendu."



"I have to pee too. Are we done here?"

"Je dois faire pipi aussi. C'est pas bientôt fini?"



"Wait, lets go together!"

"Attend, on y va ensemble!"


"Or... not."



"Aah... merde! Old man just HAD to bring us here with sleeping gas!"

"Aah...merde! Fallait que le vieux nous amène ici avec son gaz soporifique!"

ok, I think!^^

"Eww! I... I can't sit here!"

"Beurk! Je...Je vais pas m'assoir là quand même!"

ok XD

"Aah... I guess... there's no choice..."

"Aah..en fait...j'ai pas le choix..."


"Ahhhhhh! Mmm..."

"Ahhhhhh! Mmm..."

ok XD


well, that's all folks, very exciting RP by the way ;)