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Started by hashish, March 29, 2010, 11:44:33 AM

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So I'm in the car with my buddy driving kinda speedy down these rural roads we have outside of London, and theres this tiny bridge. We go over like *ZOOM===* and then hes like:

   "Woah, made my stomach turn!" XD
and I'm like:
   "Yeah, but it's not really your stomach is it." =|

coz we're polite like that in England.

What I wanna know is: WHY does it make your balls feel funny when you drive fast over a hump or a small bridge, in a car???


To be honest, I always though it was my stomach...I mean i thought that's why people feel sick on rollercoasters etc...

And if we're so polite in England, how come I call everyone I know a cunt, on a like daily basis, if they do the slightest thing wrong?  :lol:

But from an actually answering the question point of view...maybe something to do with a sudden change in positioning? I dunno...


If you're going over a bridge, it might just be the vibrations of the car that make the seat impact your... "delicate" place.   :lol:

Going *down* a hill and hitting the bottom would probably have the same impact - literally speaking... if your ass leaves your seat (going high velocity without seat belts helps) and you slam back down against it, your balls are in one of the worst places they could be - target ground zero. And just like getting kicked, IT HURTS LIKE HELL.

Other than that, I agree with JackO in terms of hill and driving fast - the up and down motion is equivalent to seasickness.

Welp... I'm fucked...


I don't get sick full stop so that doesn't help me in the slightest unfortunatly.

As for everyone else, I was aware that rollercoaster sickness, sea sickness, travel sickness and motion sickness all have entireley different causes, despite all inducing vomiting. I figure even if I never vomit, I'd at least feel something in the situations where it happens to other people who do suffer from those conditions. And I know the wierd balls feeling is common amongst all the bro's I've asked too.

From a biological POV, I'm considering that the souce of the feeling is actually the prostate gland and not the balls at all, though to the anatomically un-informed it's pretty much all the same right. I don't get to the sea much living in the city either so I can't really comment much on the up and down of easickness.