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General => General Discussion => Topic started by: anastyanax on January 13, 2010, 11:52:55 PM

Title: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: anastyanax on January 13, 2010, 11:52:55 PM
I thought it was a decent film. Not Cameron's best, (that's Aliens in my book), but it had more of a plot than a lot of critics implied it did. I think that because a couple of recent movies have relied on eyegasmic CGI to support a weak plot, critics jumped at the chance to nail Avatar just because it had excellent animation. Most of the allusions to war/colonialism/environmentalism were blatantly obvious, but it was a great action film that kept me glued to the screen for almost three hours. Thoughts?
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: hashish on January 14, 2010, 03:45:59 PM
I thought it was an awesome film, it had:

guns and explosions
giant robots
awesome jurassic park landscapes
aliens and monsters
romantic back story to keep the girls from falling asleep ;D

and the story carried it all along nicley for me and my friends.
I saw it in 3D too but it didn't make much difference, just made background mountains look further away and gave mroe perspective somehow.

I didn't care for the allusions to war/collonialism/environmentalism and it didnt really affect my viewing experience. However, I thought the enviro aspect of this film would be to some people like a giant guilty shadow which is what I think was kinda the point. Maybe it wasn't to make the audience go away and feel horrible and change their life lol, but just a reminder.

That awesome dragon bit where he got the boss red dragon was TOO COOL, busting in on the naavi like YEAHHH YOU KNOW IM THE BOSS!!! XD
proper heroism.
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: Newp on January 14, 2010, 04:05:10 PM

Looks nice, but other than that? Meh
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: anathema on January 14, 2010, 04:52:14 PM
Saw it in IMAX 3D.

It was an enjoyable experience. Yes, the plot was pedestrian, but the world was more then rich enough to make up for it.

My real problem with the movie is the 3D effect itself. For some reason, my brain doesn't process the images correctly, and while I do get a sense of depth from the film, any sort of 3d motion turns into a blurry mess for me. It was really hard to focus on things. My father had the same issue, as did one of my friends. 2 other friends I know of said they had absolutely no problem with it.  I think it might have to do with which of your eyes is dominant.
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: redeker on January 14, 2010, 05:38:44 PM
Quote from: Newp on January 14, 2010, 04:05:10 PM
Looks nice, but other than that? Meh

Wow... just wow... I've heard people call if a sci-fi Dances with Wolves, but Pocahantas really fits it. 

Still, can't deny it's got some gorgeous special effects.

When quoting posts, please make sure to remove the img tags! We do not need to see the same image twice in one thread! - Star
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: anastyanax on January 15, 2010, 02:39:40 AM
yeah the whole "unobtanium" thing pissed me off a bit. Why couldn't they just be mining platinum? It's an extremely rare metal that actually EXISTS, and since there's so little on Earth and it's a good conductor used in sensitive electrical equipment, it would have made way more sense. I also noticed that the prop they used for the hunk of "unobtanium" was probably a piece of galena ( Newp, your Pocahontas post from Failblog is hilarious lol. I agree with you about the 3D, Hashish. For me nothing really "jumped out"; things just seemed to have more depth. Anathema, I had a bit of the same problem with blurriness, but only in one eye. I think it may have been my contact fucking up though lol. Anyway, I plan to buy it on blu-ray when it comes out. The CGI is jut so damn...real...and the movie's pace and story kept me entertained.

Oh, and the one other major beef i had was that, if a planet with intelligent life was discovered, there's no way any sort of sane government would allow corporations to traipse in and just start digging. I don't care how powerful corporations have become in Cameron's hypothetical future...if they have the power to blatantly kill off members of a new species on another planet, possibly the most significant discovery in human history, then things are already to messed up to salvage lol.
Title: Re: Avatar: Verdict?
Post by: peelove64 on January 17, 2010, 02:26:20 PM
I really want to see this movie! The trailers look amazing and it just seems like a really good story to match.