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Odd dreams

Started by dragonfox2004, May 10, 2010, 10:13:44 PM

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My dreams are always different.
And rarely, about once every 6 weeks (averaged) I will have a dream that is actually a story I could write.
(In case you missed my introduction, I'm a writer.)
I've dreamed up stories that could be short stories, mini book series, or a full on novel.
I keep as many notes as I can, but I don't plan to work on any of them until I am able to complete my original story. Although, that story didn't start out in a dream, but on 2 occasions I have developed it further from within a dream. Its a story I've been working on for 3 years now...
For those of the dreams that are still good stories but not good/long enough to be a short story become a poem instead.

If I wasn't so dang protective of my identity I could share some poems on dreams, but I'm still new here so I don't feel comfortable yet.
If I have any NEW dreams that could become stories I may share them.


Well, I once dreamt that I was the toothfairys daughter, struggling to earn her respect.
What I looked like in the dream is something you can only imagine by trying to imagine a cross-breed between Mary Poppins and a lemming.
It was so fucking weird! I was trying to gain her respect by rebuilding an old railroad or something, but she kept ignoring me...


Most of the dreams I actually remember, which are very few btw, are very strange. I had a dream where I was fighting a horde of baby triceratops aboard a large yacht. I also had a memorable dream where I was doing parkour through a future city. it was the most beautiful place I had ever been. I can't really describe what it was like, because no description could do it justice. I ended up in a field of orange flowers on top of the highest building in the city. Those are the two dreams I remember most, but there are countless others that are just as strange


I had a dream last night where Dr. Gregory House told a terminally ill patient (who didn't know she was terminally ill) that all she needed was a minor surgery to fix a temporary issue and that she'd be fine.

After the woman celebrated with her family and he left the room, Dr. Cameron caught up with House and asked him why he didn't tell the woman she was going to die and he said something to the effect of "Better she live her last six months in happiness than going out and doing something stupid and killing herself sooner."


Welp... I'm fucked...