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I fucking lovin Colouring!!!

Started by gardiltobias, September 21, 2009, 03:04:56 PM

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Quote from: B.u.S. on March 15, 2010, 10:28:14 AM
Star, did I spot a window open playing the SAVED BY THE BELL THEME?! FUCKIN' WIN!!

Oh yeah, and the swimsuit girl? My true form!

A:)  Yes, I like Saved by the Bell - I was actually watching an episode and had paused it when I took that screenshot  :P

B.) No, that is *NOT* your true form, B.u.S. because if it is, I'll kick your butt  :P

That's my RP character, Allanah, and whilst she does have a penis (it's not shown because I never found a shopper good enough :P ), she is *not* very B.u.S.-like at all outside of being British  =P

Welp... I'm fucked...


I enjoy it as well, actually I took a water coloring class and it was pretty cool. I ended up painting the birds of paradise which is a flower.