Anime Girl Desperation Official Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Miri-kun on October 28, 2008, 08:22:50 AM

Title: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: Miri-kun on October 28, 2008, 08:22:50 AM
Wheeeeeeeeeeeee, just for fun!

Have any of you ever cosplayed anything nice?

I don't cosplay much myself... But I do occasionally.
Most of the photos I have are really awful haha.. Oh well. Here's one:

Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: oramisho on October 28, 2008, 11:27:39 PM
U R SO KAWAII~!! ^_^!

*cough* sorry, had to.

Seriously though. You look good.
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: Miri-kun on October 29, 2008, 12:06:21 PM
Baaawwwwww, thank you. <3

The character is Vocaloid Len Kagamine. Well, the outfit is, but the hat and stuff are just... My improvisation.
I have some other outfits too like little sailor school uniforms and stuff, but I haven't really taken any pictures...

Gah, I know what you mean with conventions in England. The only worthwhile one is the MCM and they only have that twice a year. -___-

Germany is great for conventions. They have one every week just in Frankfurt.
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: packrat on October 30, 2008, 04:03:47 AM
Darnit, I should have been there to see you in that outfit!  It's adorable!  :lol:

Anyway, I've never cosplayed due to lack of interest and laziness.  (I don't feel like making an outfit)  I'm fine being able to go to a convntion in the first place.  And besides, most of the characters I want to dress up as either wear revealing outfits (Twin Blade Haseo), or they rrequier too much work to make them (Xth Form Haseo)
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: packrat on October 30, 2008, 11:09:19 AM
Quote from: B.u.S. on October 30, 2008, 10:00:50 AM
Quote from: Miri-kun on October 29, 2008, 12:06:21 PM
Baaawwwwww, thank you. <3

The character is Vocaloid Len Kagamine. Well, the outfit is, but the hat and stuff are just... My improvisation.
I have some other outfits too like little sailor school uniforms and stuff, but I haven't really taken any pictures...

Gah, I know what you mean with conventions in England. The only worthwhile one is the MCM and they only have that twice a year. -___-

Germany is great for conventions. They have one every week just in Frankfurt.

Ooo, didn't know you were from Europe - at leaast I THINK you're from Europe :P

If I ever get a good outft, i'll go to a con :D

You don't need an outfit to go to a con, you just need money and a serious love of anime.  XD

...I thought there where convintions everywhere.  Is it really that surprising for there to be anime convintions in Europe?
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: Miri-kun on October 30, 2008, 11:22:24 AM
Cons are great. I don't usually dress up or anything though.

And yes, I am European.
There are heaps of conventions in Europe. The ones in the UK are just really crap. lD <3
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: FallenStar on October 30, 2008, 02:12:44 PM
I'm too fat to dress up as my favorite anime characters...   :crying:

Not to mention that all my favorite characters are female in the first place, which, as a male, would force me to be a cross-dresser, which I'm not really into.   :lol:
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: packrat on October 31, 2008, 06:44:31 PM
You don't?  I'm related to like six people who like anime.  And most of friends are into too.  Of course, none of us can afford to go to a con.  Not only that, the cons around here always happen when school starts for us.  =P

Quote from: Taiki Saruwatari on October 30, 2008, 08:00:29 PM
You should try it sometime. I once dressed up as this adorable cutie-pie ( for Halloween.

....Wow, you REALLY love cosplaying to cross dress....
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: nagato on October 31, 2008, 10:27:53 PM
I have been to 2 conventions before and I cosplayed at 1. I cosplayed as Kyon from TMoHS but I think I only have one picture of me and it isn't that good. Later this month I am going to a third con this time I will be Kyon for 2 days the young Walter from Hellsing: the dawn for the other day.

I have never cross dressed but if I was to cosplay as a female anime character you only have to look at my username to figure out who I would be.
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: FallenStar on November 01, 2008, 02:28:11 AM

I refuse to dress up as a girl for a convention.  (Not to mention, I probably can't go to a convention nor could stand on my feet long enough to walk around *nor* could get materials to make a costume for *any* anime character, unless I pinkened my skin and went as Fat Buu.  :S )
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: Miri-kun on November 01, 2008, 04:49:34 AM
Well, if any of you do decided to cross dress, post photos please. 8D <3
Title: Re: Cosplääääääääääääy.
Post by: GN54 on November 02, 2008, 03:13:51 PM
I'm working on a Young Link cosplay. I have the shield done and I'm working on the sword. I bought a tunic and hat as well as an ocarina. Once the sword is done I'll buy boots and ears and I'll be good to go but nowhere near finished. I'll have to handcraft an ocarina and find appropriate materials to make a custom tunic and hat as well if I wanna perfect the costume. As for boots, I can't recreate those and ears are just out of the question.