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"I second that motion".

Started by Mighty Oracle, July 02, 2010, 02:49:34 PM

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Mighty Oracle

Am I the only one here that's bothered by this? I can't be... right? I can usually overlook blatantly misspoken phrases, but not this one. It's NOTION, god dammit.



Mistakes like "could of/should of" bother me...its could have...abbreviated to could've you damn heathens xD

Another one I saw recently was "Rest a sure" instead of rest assured...that annoyed me...

And for everyone's further amusement here's a list i found amusing;


As far as I can tell, it comes from corporate board meetings in which one board member will make a motion to enact some sort of policy and someone who agrees with him/her will say "I second that motion"

Whilst notion would also fit there, the simple fact is this is a slang terminology phrase that has filtered throughout the entire language inasmuch as someone saying "I got a pink slip" or "I was given the gate" or even modern slang phrases like "Me and my friends were just hanging around."

By this standard, it's perfectly and grammatically correct.
Welp... I'm fucked...


I try not to get annoyed over incorrect usage, but hanging around grammar nazis can screw you up. You end up being unable to unhear (IRL or a video) or unsee (on a forum) something used incorrectly. :lol: The phrases that are most annoying to me are "hence why", "could care less", and "could/should of" like JackO mentioned.