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Started by doa, October 17, 2007, 04:15:13 AM

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Here's one from senior week for you:

One night at the ocean, the group I was with started drinking early. Since we still had some time to kill, we decided to head to the boardwalk to waste some time (and sober up). My friend (who's seal was already broken) though about using the bathroom on the way out, but felt like she didn't need to go that bad and didn't.

Only a couple streets down, the drinks really caught up with her and she asked her boyfriend if we could head back (even better since we were about one street away from coming up  on the bathrooms). With about a block to go I could tell my friend was desperate, then, she stopped and said, "I can't hold it much longer". She acted like she was going to squat in a bush next to the sidewalk, but didn't because we were just off of a main street.

Unfortunately for me, she ended up making it back to the hotel dry, and made it to the bathroom. I do believe though, that she would have peed in the sand if we were walking on the beach where the trafic was virtually nothing. Though, it would have been tough to sneek a peek with her boyfriend there.


Well I'm only 19, so I don't have any drinking stories... and honestly the only person who's ever wet in public was well... me. I hated it, and I'll never even come close to let it happen again, but I'll chronicle it for you.

So it was a combination choir band trip, because our school's jazz band didn't get to go on tour due to the lack of a director. So I was there, hanging out with not only my jazz band friends... but also lots of pretty choir girls. Now, I had a crush on a fiar amount of these girls, which is what made my end result so traumatic. But back to the troubling matter that I ended up having to deal with.

We did the entire trip without trouble. We got to go to Disneyland, a college to explore music, and the beach which was alot of fun since I don't get to go there very often. Now we all had our fun, and sadly, it was time to go home. So we packed our things, and boarded the bus where I was doomed to make a complete and utter fool out of myself.

Now, I didn't think ahead as I usually do, probably because I was sad to go. So what did I do? I drank 2 8 oz glasses of apple juice, and 6 oz cup water, before we even left! Damn my lack of intuition at the time, but we departed and I hadn't even begun to feel the pressure. Now, this was unordinary, as I don't have a large bladder capacity, so maybe this was written into history in advance or something...

So we got on the bus, and I was enjoying some time with my friends and stuff, we got our own seats, and life was pretty good. I started getting the telltale sting in my bladder, which wasn't a problem at the time... so I bared it without any trouble and we stopped for a bathroom break. Great right? Yup. I buy a liter of coke and, albeit short on time, still get into the bathroom. It was here that I thought I was ready to go.

Wrong... I heard the gentle patter of shoes on the tile floor, and I look out to see the shoes and kickin' legs of the girl I have a HUGE crush on. Now... I have enough trouble peeing in public restrooms as is. Usually it takes a few minutes, if someone else is around, to start the flow. In front of her, I couldn't even stand the thought. She probably didn't even know it was me... but my mind at the time was stuck. So, since I didn't have the next to 10 minutes to get my pee started, I left. 'It's not even that bad...' I thought to myself... wrong!

We drive... I drink... we drive... I drink. I finish the liter of Pepsi in next to no time, and I'm really starting to notice that mistake... I'm rubbing the edge of my seat, trying to think about Juno, the movie that happened to be on at the time. I was pathetic... gritting my teeth and looking out the window, but it was no use. I felt a little bit come out, which almost made my heart stop. I stopped the flow, but you can forget about any relive from the small leak. Tears were in my eyes, my panties already damp. So then what happens?

I finally get the nerve to ask our bus driver to pull over and let me off, but the rest stop is 45 minutes away. I ask to use the restroom in the bus, but turns out that there is a girl in there puking her guts out and I wouldn't dare be that mean. So I head back to my seat.

By this dreadful point in the trip, we have thirty minutes till the stop, and I'm dying. My pee had actually backed up into my kidney... which hurt like hell and was making no part of the trip enjoyable. Not only that, but I still knew that it would get worse since my tummy was still slightly full... I had eaten no food. I was pretty much standing up to prevent pressure on my bladder, tears on my face now. My cheeks were red, and my panties were quite wet. Thankfully, I was in a skirt...

The gates broke. It started timidly, and I had no control over it in any way. I felt totally pathetic, like a little girl peeing in her pants, and that was no fun at all. Thankfully I had my own seat, and no one noticed immediately. I was crying, sobbing by this point. It still hurt, and my semi narrow passage really wasn't allowing for a quick release. So the seat slowly got wet, and the back of my skirt stained, as it was a light pink. I sat and quietly sobbed to myself for a while, and a good 25 minutes later, we stopped.

It was here that I endured the embarrassment as people saw the stain on the back of my skirt and finally put two and two together. I knew they could smell it, as that was one of the first things they noticed, and even though the pee was clear; it caused the skirt to get slightly stiff after drying. They saw my panties... and that was the end of it. My friends helped out and supported me, but things like "Everyone has accidents" made me feel even more insignificant in their eyes. Everything is ok now, because high school is well over, but I'll never forget it.

There you go guys! I was 16 at the time by the way just incase you were curious.


That sounds like it would be really scary, even if you're into holding. I wish it could have gone better for you, aklwn.

If it's alright, i have a question about part of this story. How did you know it backed up into your kidney? Did you see a doctor after the incident or is it just one of those things where "If it happens you WILL know"? Just curious.

Quote from: aklwn on November 13, 2009, 08:51:40 PM
but things like "Everyone has accidents" made me feel even more insignificant in their eyes.

Well, in a situation like that i don't think there's -anything- they can say to make it better. They can't pretend not to notice once someone mentions it out loud, so trying to be nice is really all they can do. :)
On the internet you're only as smrt as your spell checker.


Ya I know, and I don't blame them for trying, I was just emphasizing how terrible that incident actually was. I hope I don't have another, but if I do I hope it's at elast a little bit better. Thanks for the support though!


I'll never wet myself as a teen, being desperate but with happy ending
To aklwn, you have very good friend for being suportive to you after you wetting  :001_icon16:


Very well written, Aklwn, although I'm sorry you had to go through that. It shows just how wrong fanfiction is in many places - which, although wonderful to read, does tend to over-do just how horny girls become when they need to pee. Can't say I like the sight of girls crying due to desperation, but outright enjoying it sounds rather weird to me.
One note, though - I know this is the FD section, so a male wetting story would be out of place, but it would still be nice if you'd note that you're female. I have to say, I double checked your profile before starting to find your gender.
Always happy to get PMs/IMs


Well I definately am female, sorry, I'll specify in the future :P


Quote from: Teumessian on July 04, 2009, 02:52:09 AM
I actually have a couple of stories.

Back when I was younger, there was a girl in my class who one day, had to pee during an arithmetic test. Now we we're not allowed to go since recess, and that was a while back. When the test was done, she was absolutely bursting. She begged the teacher to let her go, so he relented and did so. She grabbed the girls pass (there was one boys and one girls pass per class) and ran out the door. Not wanting to miss anything, I asked if I could go too. Again, he relented, and I followed after her. It was near the entrance to the bathrooms where I saw pee running down her jeans. She turned around and nearly screamed when she saw me. She was entirely convinced I would "blab everything" when I got back to class, and she started bawling. I promised that I wouldn't and took her to the office, trying without result to calm her down.

The good news is that the office woman was really nice. She said she'd get some dry clothes, and told me to tell the class that she had "scraped her knee while running to the bathroom". She even put a bandaid over her knee as a cover up. Armed with dry clothes and an excuse, no one ever knew, except me. I still teased that I would tell the whole class about the mishap, much to her anger :D. I never did though.

What grade was this?


I'm currently a senior in a private (Catholic) high school. We have a pretty strict schedule; 40 min. classes, 20 min. for lunch, 3 min. between periods. And that's not including some of the strict teachers, who can deny any student a hall pass to go to the bathroom. After lunch, there's a lot of girls that need to use the bathroom. Some of them are pretty open about it (i.e. they get out of their seats and do pee dances, announce practically to the whole class that they "have to go"), and others just sit there, holding themselves for as long as they can.

Unfortunately, no one in my three years there has had an accident... yet. So far, I've only seen desperation that peaks my interest and hope...
All the crazy monkeys
are playing a game that will never end,
caught up in a never-ending "Banana Roulette."


I studied in a Catholic school too! we had 5 min between periods, that allow you to go to the bathroom during the break. But during the first year of junior high school teacher doesn't allow us to leave the class during the break. That sucks if you need to go.
I remeber once  a girl was complaining how much she needed to go... well she was worried if her pee was going to scape


I was waiting at a gas station for my bus back to college a few weeks back. There was this pregnant black woman who was waiting around with me. Suddenly she ran inside and started hollering into the single restroom for someone to let her in. She was begging for 5 full minutes (yes, i was timing it). I considered turning on the faucet outside the bathroom to tease her. She was holding herself and whining "i'm gonna pee my pants if you don't hurry" before finally making it inside and doing a noisy piddle.


That wasn't so nice warrior, but hell I would have done it!!

Once a long time ago I went to Cedar Point with my brother and mom. I was in line for a roller coaster (I don't recall the name, all I know is it was by the entrance) and this mentally retarded girl had to pee really bad. She kept whining to the ride operator to let her through the station platform entrance/exit but wouldn't let her. She eventually peed all over the place. I didn't think a girl about 15 could hold such pee!! She must have peed 6 gallons if I recall right...