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General Discussion / Re: The news article discussio...
Last post by Serika - September 22, 2020, 10:49:42 AM
An entire village. That is some impressive range for a Wi-Fi jamming vintage television.
General Discussion / Re: The news article discussio...
Last post by FallenStar - September 22, 2020, 07:12:47 AM

Lawl!  Damn old TV knocked out the internet for these folks in Wales every day.  :lol:
Female Desperation / Re: List of FD/WS scenes in Ma...
Last post by doa - September 03, 2020, 04:01:11 PM
Desperation. Unsure if it's a Korean or Chinese manga
Introductions / Re: Hello again
Last post by durachio - July 22, 2020, 01:38:15 AM
Glad to see that you're still around Packrat. I'm not sure if we've directly interacted before, but I recognize your profile pic. Sorry to get your hopes up for a newcomer joining, lol.
Introductions / Re: Hello again
Last post by packrat - July 21, 2020, 05:51:34 PM
Aw, I saw a new post and got my hopes up.  :crying:  Oh well, glad to see I'm not the only one who still comes back every now and then.  :clap:  Since I don't think I gave you the customary greeting before, I'll give it to you now.

Welcome to the forums.  I'm packrat.  Pleased to meet you. ^_^
Introductions / Hello again
Last post by durachio - July 21, 2020, 11:56:45 AM
Hello to everyone who still uses this site. I joined this site back in 2010 on this account, and first used the site back in 2008. I thought I might come back here and see how things are. I know there's another bigger forum for this sort of stuff that many people use now, but I remember the people here being a lot more chill than they are there. It looks like there's been no introductions for years, so hopefully someone reads this.
Female Desperation / Re: List of FD/WS scenes in an...
Last post by Serika - July 18, 2020, 06:09:52 PM
QuoteMahoujin Guru Guru ep9 - Kukuri has to pee at 16:00. She is in a tower with her friends, and just having solved a puzzle, they are making plans to continue further up the tower. Kukuri squirms and tells the hero that she has to pee first. They go back outside, and the hero suggests they wait for her while she pees around the corner, which is just out of sight. Instead, Kukuri summons her flying creature and rides it all the way back to the last house they were at. During this flight she pouts and complains "I hate dungeons! They never have bathrooms!" She comes back refreshed and they continue their exploration. This scene is from the 2017 remake of the 2nd season of the original TV series. For the original, see Mahoujin Guru Guru: Doki Doki Densetsu, directly below this.

Mahoujin Guru Guru: Doki Doki Densetsu ep9 - At the 8:00 minute mark, Toma asks the group if anyone has to pee before they climb any further up the tower. Kukuri says she does, so they all go back outside and wait for her to pee on the ground. Kukuri frowns at them, and then summons her legendary bird to take her somewhere else. She screams "I hate dungeons! They never have bathrooms!" while flying away. She flies all the way back to the last house they visited and uses their bathroom.
General Discussion / Re: The news article discussio...
Last post by Serika - June 09, 2020, 11:39:42 AM
Quote from: FallenStar on June 08, 2020, 01:00:28 PM

It's gonna be bland, flavorless, corporate approved drivel for sure.

John Kricfalusi, the creator of Ren and Stimpy, has some good rants on the decay of American cartoons. In the director's commentary track of the Ren and Stimpy DVDs he explains that the story of any given cartoon used to be up to the cartoonist himself. The boss of the company was only interested in finished products, so the cartoonist could draw whatever he wanted and as long as it didn't have DICKS in it the boss would usually buy it from him and put it on TV. That's why cartoons from the first half of the 20th century had such extreme violence.

Time passed, and these small animation companies became large corporations with big studios, lots of employees, and worst of all, stockholders. The CEO then had to make sure his cartoons wouldn't offend advertisers who buy commercial slots. Knowing how filthy and crazy most animators were, these companies moved the job of story writing away from the animators to other people. People who used to just wing it and draw their own stuff were then told exactly what to draw, and were not allowed to draw anything else. This was the late 20th century.

Now, in the early 21st century, these big television monopolies have entire departments devoted to public relations and political correctness. Computers do all the animation, everything is reviewed for possible offensive content, and the end result is crap. Big business killed the cartoon.

Don't get me wrong. The racist cartoons were dumb and i'm glad those were boxed up and left in the vault. I just want sex and violence. That's the main reason I drifted away from western cartoons and started watching anime as a teenager.
General Discussion / Re: The news article discussio...
Last post by FallenStar - June 08, 2020, 01:00:28 PM

This is getting old. Now Elmer Fudd can't go "wabbit" hunting with a gun but a scythe is perfectly okay?! And we can't have our "rootin' tootin' shootin'" firebrand with his trademark pistols anymore?!

Fuck this world, I swear.